Revolutionizing Promotions Management: Martin Brower’s Synchronized Promotions Orchestration
Elevating promotion management with seamless orchestration and unparalleled efficiency.
- Case Study

In an era dominated by real-time data, the need for seamless promotions management is paramount. As businesses look to optimize inventory levels and reduce wastage, the reliance on manual tools like spreadsheets can drastically undermine efficiency and productivity. When one of the leading players in the fast-food industry faced these challenges, the need for a transformative solution was clear.
Transformative integration of digital supply chain solutions, including our advanced planning system and supplier engagement platform.
Time-saving for supply chain planners.
Enhanced transparency leading to heightened customer satisfaction.
Tangible increase in proactivity and efficiency.
Before Martin Brower stepped in with its innovative approach, the manual handling of supplier-facing production planning was cumbersome and prone to errors. Supply chain planners were burdened with unwieldy worksheets, jeopardizing the steady supply to distribution centers and restaurants.
We implemented our advanced planning system and innovative supplier engagement platform solutions, revolutionizing promotional event management. This integration offered:
A Material Requirements Plan (MRP) transparent to the supplier.
Optimization in the face of supply constraints, prioritizing genuine needs.
Dynamic adjustments to demand signals, ensuring precise inventory management and reduced wastage.
From the digital solution’s foundational yield management feature to the constrained supply functionality, the transformation was comprehensive. Martin Brower initiated a promotion orchestration project, providing unparalleled visibility to both customers and suppliers. While still in its pilot phase, its capabilities are primed to enhance our ongoing Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) solution.
Looking ahead, our promotions orchestration offerings will evolve further, integrating their capabilities with our S&OP solution. The aim is to align long-term forecasts with customers, streamline promotions management, and ensure seamless execution.
Shortages were reduced by a factor of three, while inventory leftovers were lowered by 50%